Thursday, June 17, 2010

Jason Statham

Jason Statham was Born in London England in the year of 1972. Jason Statham has done quite a lot in a short time. He has gone to the Olympics as a driver on the British National Driving Team and finished 12Th in the world cup circuit in 1992. He has also been a fashion model, black market salesman and finally of course, actor. Statham started out in a movie called "Lock Stock And Two Smoking Barrels" In 1998. After Jasons success in "Lock Stock And Two Smoking Barrels" hes acting carrier really took off He made it into some big time movies like The Transporter in 2002 and also in The Transporter in 2005 He also started in the movies Cranked and cranked 2. His later movies that he was in was Hitman and Death Race. My opinion on Jason Statham is that he is a good actor and he gets one and a half thumbs up!

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