Monday, June 7, 2010

Dr. Strangelove or: How I Learnned To Stop Worrying And Love The Bomb

Dr. Stangelove is a satire of the movie Failsafe. This is one of those movies that you have to have a very dry sence of humor to like. Dr starngelove is not one of those laugh out loud kind of movies but it is more a movie you would sit at home and watch it hungover on a sunday. The movie was released in 1964. It was nominated for 4 ocsars. The movie was a 95 minute black and white starring Peter Sellers as the 3 main characters. Out of all the movies I watched in media class this is probably the one I liked most.

Dr. Strangelove was very humerous for the most part. It started out very serious and all the characters were strict and it was kinda boring but once the satire started it became funny and was enjoyable.

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