Thursday, June 17, 2010

Jason Statham

Jason Statham was Born in London England in the year of 1972. Jason Statham has done quite a lot in a short time. He has gone to the Olympics as a driver on the British National Driving Team and finished 12Th in the world cup circuit in 1992. He has also been a fashion model, black market salesman and finally of course, actor. Statham started out in a movie called "Lock Stock And Two Smoking Barrels" In 1998. After Jasons success in "Lock Stock And Two Smoking Barrels" hes acting carrier really took off He made it into some big time movies like The Transporter in 2002 and also in The Transporter in 2005 He also started in the movies Cranked and cranked 2. His later movies that he was in was Hitman and Death Race. My opinion on Jason Statham is that he is a good actor and he gets one and a half thumbs up!

High Noon

A good old classic western is always good to watch every now and then. In this case it was High Noon. A film about a guy who needs to make the decision about weather to leave town with his new wife or stay to protect the towns people from a guy that he put away a few years ago. The movie was made in 1952 and filmed in black and white.

My opinion of this movie was that it was a decent western. There was epic gun battles and as always a noon train where they got the name high noon. The marshal of the town chooses to stay and help his towns people but rethinks the idea when the towns men start to choose the bad guy over him. This movie gets one thumb up from me.

The Maltese Falcon

The maltese falcon is about a detective trying to help a woman who is involved with a whole bunch of bad guys to find a statue of a bird. When the woman walks into the detectives office, one guy, myles archer, thinks the woman is beautiful and acts like he would do anything for her. The other guy, sam spade, thinks that she is dangerous but is still going to help her.

When one of the dectives ends up dead the movie now has two mysterys. One to find out who killed archer and another guy and the origional question about who has the bird.


Bambi is a Walt Disney movie made a long time ago. It is a story about a young deer that was born to the prince of the forest. So Bambi grows up to be a big strong deer and ends up getting his girlfriend which he met when he was just a small young little deer. Bambi's mother ends up getting shot there is a big cry scene and then everyone goes back to normal. This movie in a nut shell would be Bambi grows up with the other animals in the forest and then becomes king of the forest just like his father.

Citizen Kane

Citizen Kane was released on May 1st of 1941. It was filmed by Orson Wells who played the main role in the movie. The film is a mystery about a detective trying to figure out what or who Rosebud is. That was the last word Charles Foster Kane ever said, "Rosebud."

This movie was not a favorite to me but it was better then some of the other movies we watched. The movie is played from a whole bunch of memories that people had of Kane to try to figure out what Rosebud was. In the end we see people cleaning out his mansion and getting rid of lots of big statues and burning things that were in the house. One of the things that were thrown in the fire was a sled that Kane had from his childhood and when the camera zooms up on the sled, you see the word Rosebud written on it.

No one in the house sees the sled so the mystery goes unsolved. This movie had music that set the mood of the characters and the camera showed the feelings.

One of the greatest quotes about citizen Kane came from family guy "It was a sled there i just saved you two boob less hours."

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Larry the Cable Guy

Daniel Lawrence Whitney or other wise known as his stage name Larry the Cable guy was born on February 17, 1963. Whitney is a stand up comedian and actor. He is one of the costars of the Blue Collar Comedy Tour, a comedy troupe which also includes Bill Engvall and Jeff Foxworthy, with whom he has starred on Blue Collar TV. Larry the Cable Guy has released seven comedy albums, of which three have been certified gold by the RIAA for shipments of 500,000 copies. In addition, he has starred in three Blue Collar Comedy Tour related movies, as well as in the films. Larry the Cable Guy: Health Inspector, Delta Farce, and Witless Protection. He does the voice of Mater in the Disney/Pixar films Cars and Cars 2. His atchphrase, Git-R-Done!, is the title of his book.
Larry the cable guy health inspector was made in 2006 and was directed by Trent cooper. and it is a comedy romance with Daniel Lawrence Whitney the star in the movie. A review of the movie is, A slovenly cable repairman becomes a big-city health inspector and is tasked with uncovering the source of a food poisoning epidemic. In my mind it was one of the best movies larry the cable guy was in. Larry the cable guy is one of my favorite actors because he is just a funny redneck and he does not really care what he says. In my mind Larry the cable guy gets 2 thumbs up!

Monday, June 7, 2010

Dr. Strangelove or: How I Learnned To Stop Worrying And Love The Bomb

Dr. Stangelove is a satire of the movie Failsafe. This is one of those movies that you have to have a very dry sence of humor to like. Dr starngelove is not one of those laugh out loud kind of movies but it is more a movie you would sit at home and watch it hungover on a sunday. The movie was released in 1964. It was nominated for 4 ocsars. The movie was a 95 minute black and white starring Peter Sellers as the 3 main characters. Out of all the movies I watched in media class this is probably the one I liked most.

Dr. Strangelove was very humerous for the most part. It started out very serious and all the characters were strict and it was kinda boring but once the satire started it became funny and was enjoyable.